
Day 7

Monday 18 July 2011

We left Roos and Henri’s at 11:15 AM. They generously gave us trip provisions, and we drove two and a half hours to Amsterdam in light rain. Truly on our own, for the first time.
Driving into Amsterdam
Sans GPS (for now), we made it to the neighborhood of our old friends Deborah and Herman, and their sons Benji and Paolo. We pulled over at a gas station to read a map when a local parked his car, came over, showed us where we needed to go, then said “Follow me, I’ll take you there.”
Touched by an angel
We showed up at their house on Watercirkel. Deborah couldn’t believe we had such a small van! She immediately showed us around their lovely three-story home, and put out a great cheese platter lunch.
Charles and Herman
We got the grand tour of Herman’s dental office, which caters to some 2,000 patients. He specializes in a procedure that only 150 dentists in Europe can do - you could say he is the Vermeer of veneer. If you google "dentistry" he comes up number one.
Dian, Deborah
Herman came home, and with Paolo as a catalyst, we decided to see the final Harry Potter movie (which Nicole had been jonesing for for weeks).  Nicole thought she picked up a few Dutch words from the subtitles.

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