
DAY 30

Wednesday 10 August 2011

We got good news! An email from the Sziget fest press office said that Charles was being allowed in after all! Nicole was still a question mark, and we all really wanted her to get to see Kasabian.

Hello Tim!
The Green Danube
Skittles promotional tree

We took the metro to Square of Heroes (Budapest's legendary leaders, national heroes). Strolled around the park, saw modern art installations on the lake (pieces of four checkered cars, floating, a house, so on), picnicked while it was becoming quite windy then took naps. We went to St. Istvan Bazilika and climbed to the top of the tower for a panoramic view of the city. Down on earth we had a coffee and took the bus to the Buda side, to a long area along the Danube with lots of great sights, including the long, stately parliament building across the river on the Pest side. Skittles were being passed out, so with some sugar in our systems we climbed the hill, using a winding series of way too many steps.

Art exhibit on a lake

Fisherman's Bastion
Hearing live music we hurried up to St. Michael's Church square and enjoyed a beer while listening to a hurdy gurdy player, (quite accomplished at 17 but had already been playing for 10 years). We thought of Dian's bro Tim, who works at Hilton HQ, as we checked out a famous one there built around excavated ruins. We walked down the other side of the hill through ruins and bunkers and came upon a huge waterfall statue fountain depicting hunters and their prey then continued to the bottom and caught the bus back to camp.

Back at camp, Nicole and Dian were noodling on the guitar and singing, and were beckoned by our Milano camp neighbor to hear some classical and popular favorites of his on headphones. That turned into an invitation to join them for Paula's homemade spaghetti. Ya don't have to ask us twice, especially since we were still without a working stove or fridge, limiting our menu choices. Good conversation, good wine, new friends.

Paola and Paolo, respectively.

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