
DAY 158

Friday 16 December 2011

While Charles worked on his blog days and full computer usage rights, Dian and Nicole walked around the city with a few goals in mind.

One was to find Sento, the generous and friendly worker we'd met at Starbucks, and get the address for his workplace specifically so we could send people there. The other was to find the elusive antique shop Dian had been pining for for so long.
More street art
Nicole and Dian knew the area in which the store had first been spotted, but  to find the shop itself would be a little more difficult, as there were multiple antique stores in the immediate area. They asked in several places, even in an English bookstore where the Scottish store owner explained the crime-scene-like-outlined-body on the floor was from an ex-girlfriend, and though he didn't know where the store was he could tell us lots about the Reyes Magos event that would take place on the 5th of January. Still, the pair would not be deterred from their search.

They even got Dian's money belt a new grommet and then, just around the corner, there it was:
 Stacked from floor to ceiling with odds and ends from days gone by the store was great to look around, though Nicole felt a bit like a bull in a china shop with her big jacket and camera in tow. Amongst a basket of old dolls, Dian spotted one from Andorra! Since we had no tangible souvenirs from the country (though we had lunched there), she bought the doll.

After finding Sento and getting a cup of what we had sampled the last time we were there, he pointed out an electronics store where the two could get a connector to go from our car radio to our CD player and iPod. They found the store easily, thanks to his clear instructions, and after purchasing the needed cord, they walked home, with a quick detour by way of Dia, lots of street art, and a quick stop by Sonia's store.

Dinner was a delicious pasta, salmon and broccoli mix, and with a little talk and winding down, we went to bed.

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