
DAY 188

Sunday 15 January 2012

Waking up to a cold and rainy day, we warmed our bellies with hot cereal and coffee while we waited for Myles to come down to the van from his room. Sadly, when he did arrive, he was not wearing his husky-dog slippers, but we understood, knowing he would not want to get them wet in such weather conditions.

Looking at the time, and once again at the less than inviting sky, we agreed to go into town anyway. So, walking the ten or so minutes to the bus stop we boarded the number 4 to Granada! Our bus dropped us right in front of the cathedral, but with few hours of daylight left we chose to circle its exterior and the surrounding streets rather than go in.

Granada was different than any other city we had yet visited greatly due to its obvious Moorish influences. Dian bought some old postcards while Myles eyed a Middle Eastern door decoration, possibly perfect for his dorm.
Snaking our way uphill past tea shops, bazaars and intimate little hookah bars/restaurants, we arrived at a beautiful vista point overlooking the entire city. After a few group shots (taken by a woman who nearly broke her neck trying to step onto a wet pole in stilettos in order to get a better shot), we walked back down to the cathedral bus stop and went back to our warm bungalow.

With four beds and a kitchen, we ended up spending all our meals and nights, (well, Charles gallantly slept in the van), in the bungalow. It was during dinner that Dian revealed that while walking around that day she'd found €45 on the ground!!!
We called Dian's parents, then called it a day.

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