
DAY 280

Monday 16 April 2012

My goodness, what gorgeous weather! Are we sure this is England?
That's better.
A sign Dian painted for the family, identifying the
Tigbourne Cottage estate.
Surrey was ablaze with wild flowers and the kind of green grass that only grows when it’s saturated with rain. We puttered around Nigel and Mary’s house returning e-mails and writing blog pages while Nigel was at his office in London and Mary was with clients. (Nigel is a film producer and Mary is a Pilates instructor). Dian asked if they would like a sign for Tigbourne Cottage and set about painting one for the front gate, on a long wood post she found, with a rusty nail jutting out the back.

After lunch Dian and Mary drove into nearby Godalming for a quick perusal of the charity shops. There were quite a few but luckily neither Mary nor Dian bought much. At Fleetcroft Guitars, Ben put a new screw in the tuning peg of Dian and Nicole’s guitar ...for free! The small town generosity was appreciated and probably wouldn’t happen in Los Angeles. After a quick stop to mail Grandmother a birthday card Dian and Mary sped down the country lane in her convertible Audi.

If any of our blog readers have a chance to dig in nettles – don’t! Dian sustained many prickly nettle burns when she tried to bury the post she’d painted in the ground. The antidote leaf was unfortunately NOT in the area.

Nicole inherited an ultra comfy onesie from Topshop!

Mary treated the Andrews to a delicious Indian dinner in town and we really feasted. Besides it being one of Nicole’s favorite types of food, it was too spicy for Nigel and since he was still at work we ordered dishes with lots of heat. Back at home he tried to tell us that a treacle was a small animal – though we knew from previous experience it was a sweet dessert . He complimented Nicole on her follow through after watching the prom queen bid and thank you videos she made the year before on Facebook.

With an in-depth map consultation between Nigel and Charles that lasted into the night, we were set for our upcoming Wales and Scotland leg of the journey.


  1. Dian! We want to see CONFLICT! You are so HAPPY all the time! Where is the DRAMA? Who is the BAD GUY or (GAL)?

    1. Bad guy here. I'm the one who censors all the blood and gore, verbal and in photos..... really, R U KIDDING!?!! What do you expect, Bev? -- 3 strong-willed artists cramped into this tiny space for a year, and one of them's a teenager, you're lucky you're not seeing shots from the morgue! But who wants to read about that or see it? Not Dian's parents. Or anyone, really, but you Hwd-types looking to steal a story idea. No, you're not getting the juicy stuff you can option for a major release. You'll have to wait for the book. And MY screenplay. > Charles

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hard NOT to be happy when daily life presents such variety of cultures and people, languages and food, natural and manmade beauty, sun and sand and rain and mountains and streams, street art and streetcorner crazies, music and songbirds, freeways as art, statues in the parks and in the middle of nowhere, political discourse and Girl Scout campfire singalongs, so many hellos of portent and goodbyes of sadness and promise, sports car rallyes and frolicking lambs, toothless old men and gorgeous fashionista urbanites, blah blah blah.... :>) Chas
