
DAY 322

Monday 28 May 2012

We got up at 10 and worked on the blog. Nicole looked at all her clothes, the photographed them. When Roos came in she commented that Nicole should wear more color; a comment Grandmother has made. Nicole just laughed.

We stayed indoors most of the day while Roos went horseback riding in the rain. Henri worked on his top secret project.
Photo by Charles of Henri's gift from us: a California t-shirt!
Luckily the weather lightened up by the time friends Frank and Kim came over for a barbecue. Frank had helped build the guest house.
The troops.
While Charles kept an eye on the rotisserie, Nicole learned how to make peanut sauce. We had bacon, chicken satay, salad and drinks while watching Frank and Kim's dog Rebel bite at the sprinklers.

Towards the end of dinner we all looked up and saw a hot air balloon floating through the neighborhood. This was a common occurrence, and we were told the people in the balloon can land pretty much in any farmer's yard, as long as they give the land owner a gift of some sort for their trouble (wine is a common gift). Roos asked if the girls, Kim, Nicole, Dian and her, would like to track it down in the 30-year-old jeep and see it land, to which they said yes!

It was a high speed chase, going down dead end roads, nearly backing into livestock, and all in the back of a bumpy, HARD back area without seat belts. They all put on a strict drill sergeant's voice. Even quiet Kim warmed up to the others' crazy army antics.

Getting there just as it had landed, the four still watched the balloon deflate, then drove back home, waving to the locals like they were in a parade.

We all had cappuccinos and cookies, and wished Charles a happy early birthday before going to bed.

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